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What is Craniosacral therapy?

Craniosacral therapy (CST) is derived from cranial osteopathy. The therapy was developed and spread in 1980s by osteopaths including Dr. John E Upledger. Now it has some different styles and there are slightly different names.

(Our therapist Aya took courses provided by Upledger institute Australia.)

Now about 35 years later, CST is well-known among manual therapists, natural therapists and medical practitioners and leaned by practitioners who felt that conventional methods are not enough. However, most of ordinary people haven't heard even the name. Therefore we would like to explain craniosacral therapy. (Because it exists a variety of the styles and the techniques are expanded, we can not explain all here.)

CST is one of the manual therapy and used under 5 grams pressure. Although it is very gentle, it is very powerful. Basically we work from the cranium to the scram as the name implies. (We also works other body parts if necessary.)

By the touching, the muscles, fascia, ligaments etc are relaxed and the bones are moved and aligned.

The ideal alignment changes the flow of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the cranium (the ventricles and the subarachnoid space) and in the spine (between the spinal cord and the spinal dura mater). It can also influence intracranial organs (such as cerebrum, cerebellum, diencephalon (thalamus, hypothalamus) brain stem (midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata) blood, cranial nerves etc.), jaw, teeth, tongue, ears, eyes, nose, spine, internal organs in front of the spine, and nerves along the spine etc.

The CSF is exchanged every 5-7 hours and circulates 4-7 times a day. The fluid has very important role. It helps to absorb shock and protect the brain and the spinal cord, delivers nutrition, and removes waste products such as old cells and toxic and inflammatory substances.

The brain requires oxygen-rich blood to maintain brain functions and the blood should drain from the cranium and return to the heart.

We omit to explain the details because it becomes too long, but if you will know the functions and roles of the above intracranial organs, you would be able to imagine how it is very important and influences our bodies widely.

The craniosacral system has interrelationship among:

  • Vascular system

  • Lymphatic system

  • Nervous system

  • Endocrine system (= Hormonal system)

  • Respiratory system

  • Musculoskeletal system (muscles, connective tissue, fascia, ligaments, tendons, joints)

If there are alignment issues in cranial bones, spines and sacrum, those may cause or trigger various problems.

That is why we recommend people who have various issues.

Craniosacral therapy can not cure diseases but there are cases people experienced good reactions. Please check Upledger institute website for more details. When you click the link you would find Research pertaining to craniosacral therapy and General interest regarding craniosacral therapy in the bottom of the page. You can read useful articles more in the sections as well.

Caniosacral therapy may help people who have

  • Digestive system issues

  • Respiratory system issues

  • Reproductive system issues

  • Mental, psychological, emotional issues

  • Sleep issues

  • Stress, anxiety, depression, burn out, nervousness, shallow breathing, hypersensitive

  • Nerve related issues or diseases

  • Movement disorder, difficulty learning, facial palsy, hypertonia, phsntom pain, trigeminal neuralgia

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Recovery from operation, disease or injury

  • Fatigue

  • Shock after accident

  • Shoulder pain, lower back pain, muscular tension, misalignment of pelvis or spine

  • Headache

  • TMJ disorder, teeth related issues, discomfort after dental treatment, grinding, clenching

  • Olfactory issues

  • Auditory issues

  • Optic issues

  • Sinusitis

  • Allergy

  • Stammer, vocalisation issues

  • Swallowing issues

  • Hypertension

  • Diabetes

  • Alzheimer, dementia

  • Issues during and after pregnancy

  • Neonatal trauma


People who should avoid craniosacral therapy (Contraindication)

  • Condition which may change the fluid pressure in the cranium or the spinal cord

  • Acute intracranial hemorrhage

  • Acute inflammation

  • Serious or opened cut or would

  • Recent cranial fracture

  • Acute heart attack

  • Acute stroke

  • Brain tumor

  • Cerebral oedema

  • Hematoma

  • Cerebral hemorrhage

  • Cerebral aneurysm

  • Medulla oblongata herniation

  • CSF leakage


There are more cases we need cautions and we can not provide a treatment. Please tell us when you make an appointment if you are pregnant or experiencing / experienced a disease or injury.

Lastly, most of people experience during CST treatment is deep relaxation.

Some people with excess tension may need some sessions to feel something.

You may experience rumbling stomach, falling asleep, snoring, crying, anger, sorrow and so on. But it is natural body reaction. Please accept it without shame.


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