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Homemade herbal ball with homegrown rose geranium

I participated in Shikyu (= uterus) seminar in the end of June. Then we practiced with Thai harbal ball.

I grow rose geranium at home, which grows very quickly and becomes like jungle. The essential oil of the herb is also often used for women's problems. Therefore I tried to make homemade herbal ball with the homegrown rose geranium.

Because now it's still summer, and as you know, Japanese summer is extreamly hot and humid, I have used it only twice. But I feel like transitioning to autumn slowly. I will use it more often to look after myself.




今週、「子宮ケアセミナー」に参加してきました。 施術をしていてよく感じるのが、 女性の大腿や臀部、腹部周辺の冷えです。 ご本人が冷えを自覚していないことも多々あります。 施術にお越しになる目的は別の所にあることがほとんどですが、 お話をお聞きしていくと、...


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