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You may feel better or temporal improvement when you receive a localised massage or stretches. But if the cause is not the painful and/or discomfort area, will your body improve?

Your shoulder pain comes
from the shoulder?

Wholistic Body Care considers our bodies more as a whole and holistically. Therefore we provide treatments for not only the musculo-skeletal balance but also the balance between external body and internal body such as organs and between physical and mental such as mind, emotion, thoughts, stress etc.


We recommend you to try our treatment if you...

  • have doubts conventional methods such as massage (pushing, beating, kneading etc), stretches and strengthening weak muscles.

  • want to improve rather than "feel good" temporarily.

  • want to stop getting worse.

  • want to know home cares.

  • have stress.​

  • experienced a event(s) such as major injury, disease, operation, big shock, deep sorrow, anger, stress, miscarriage etc.  

  • want to receive treatment from a qualified practitioner who studied not only techniques but also anatomy and physiology, musculo-skeletal anatomy, ethics, occupational health and safety etc.

  • are interested in craniosacral therapy.

  • are interested in Sage Sato method lymph care and/or MRT (muscle release technique).

If you are relevant to any of the above, please make an appointment today.
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